Thursday, February 10, 2011

To point or not to point

Imagine you have a friend who seems to be falling for the wrong guy. It's a good friend but you say to yourself that you're a neutral friend when it comes to dating and love stuff, so you stayed quiet and politely said "hello" when meeting the "friend". After a while, things didn't go forward and you're friend asks you why you didn't warned him and intervene, so he wouldn't made a mistake. You try to argue the "neutral" point.

Imagine now that your friend has a new "friend", who you happen to know it's not a very recommendable guy. This time, you try to argue that he's probably not the best person and you point to facts of his past. Your friends seems to hear you, but from then on, he is more silent and you know something is going on. He's still getting to know the other guy, but he's upset with you. It doesn't help that you're not a role model when it comes to these things, specially when you're always attracted to freaks and not so "role model" boys.

So, what can we do?

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