So this afternoon I have a little get together with some of my high school friends.
So I hit the supermarket to buy some cheese and toasted bread, it should of been a usual trip to the supermarket. During my shopping I was talking on the phone with my boyfriend to choose a good cheese and doing the lame stuff that all boyfriends do.
So with the cheese on my left hand and with the toasts on the other I hung up the phone and went to the cash register to pay my stuff, and like the gay man that I am, I choose one with a nice boy (OMG).
I pay my things and as soon as I get to my car I double check my receipt, and what do I find?
A phone number a big red 9 numbers and a 2 words, "CALL ME"
Well we know that cows don't have phones, but slutty supermarket boys definitely have.
FYI: The receipt is on the garbage ;)
The garbage?? Such a waste! I'm so going with you next time to the supermarket....